Yuangklang et al., 2006. Proceedings of the 44th Kasetsart University Annual Conference, Animals, Veterinary Medicine Pages: 158-166 (Abstract), Kasetsart, 30-January - 2 February, 2006
Document reference
Yuangklang, C. ; Vasupen, K. ; Srenanul, P. ; Wongsutthavas, S. ; Mitchaothai, J., 2006. Effect of utilization of dried tomato pomace as roughage source on feed intake, rumen fermentation and blood metabolites in beef cattle. Proceedings of the 44th Kasetsart University Annual Conference, Animals, Veterinary Medicine Pages: 158-166 (Abstract), Kasetsart, 30-January - 2 February, 2006
Citation key
Yuangklang et al., 2006