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Boudechiche et al., 2010. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 22 (3): 51

Document reference 
Boudechiche, L. ; Araba, A. ; Ouzrout, R., 2010. Influence of date waste supplementation of ewes in late gestation on the performance during lactation. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 22 (3): 51
Alternative title 

Influence d’une complémentation de brebis en fin de gestation par des rebuts de dattes sur les performances d’allaitement


The effect of complementation during the last two months of gestation by dates rubbish on growth of lambs and dairy performance of females during the lactation was studied in sheep. Sixty-four pregnant Berber ewes, multiparous, were randomly divided into two groups of 32 animals each. They received alimentation based on forage grazing. Females of test group were supplemented daily to the back pasture with dates rubbish coarsely crushed at 350 g / animal/day, after an adjustment period of 15 days. The impact of this complementation was measured by estimation of milk production of ewes according to the growth of their lambs during the first month of lactation and evaluation of mortality at the same period. The statistical study realised (SAS 1986) revealed significant differences (P = 0,007) between the growth performance of lambs of experimental and test groups (184 vs. 252 g / day) between 0 and 20 days but differences not significant (P = 0, 43) between 20 and 30 days (151 vs. 181 g / day), parallel, milk production was higher in ewes of the experimental group, average 1.08 vs. 0.87 l /day. In conclusion, complementation of females in late gestation by dates rubbish seems to have a benefic effect on performance as mother’s milk that growth performance of their lambs.

Citation key 
Boudechiche et al., 2010