Pereira et al., 1992. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 21 (1): 104-117
For 315 days from May to March in the Porto Seguro district, Bahia, Brazil, 81 male zebu cattle in a 3 * 3 design grazed on Brachiaria humidicola (BH) alone or mixed with Desmodium ovalifolium (BH + DO) or with Pueraria phaseoloides (BH + PP) at stocking rates of 2, 3 or 4 head/ha. Crude protein (CP) and digestibility of DM in vitro (IVDMD) were estimated in forage and samples from 5 cattle with a fistula in the oesophagus. Stocking rate had no effect on CP or IVDMD of the forage or dietary samples. Pastures with legume had greater CP values than did those without. CP in total forage was for BH 6.1, BH + DO 7.4 and BH + PP 8.2%. IVDMD was lower in BH + DO pasture than in BH + PP but there was no difference between pasture with and without legume. CP and IVDMD were always greater in the selected diet than in the available pasture. Selected diet in the mixed pasture was higher in CP ( P<0.05) than was that selected from BH alone, which was more digestible than the diet selected from mixed pasture.