Carvalho et al., 2010. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 39 (9): 1866-1874
Aiming to study alternatives to extensification, it was evaluated the effect of supplement supply reduction (levels of 100, 65, 45 and 20% of the total requirements for production) and the possibility of its substitution by kikuyu grass on milk production and composition. The trial was performed using a completely randomized block design with three replicates, using the continuous and variable stocking rate grazing method aiming to keep the sward height at 20 cm. Individual and per hectare milk production presented positive linear response with the supplementation level. The qualitative milk components were not modified by reducing the use of supplements, however, daily productions of crude protein and fat by the animal varied with the supplementation levels. Cows grazing kikuyu grass do not maintain their milk production when supplement offer is reduced.