Berk et al., 2008. In: Palta, J. A.; Berger, J. D. (Eds.), Lupins for Health and Wealth, Proc. 12th Int. Lupin Conf., Fremantle, Western Australia, Int. Lupin Assoc., Canterbury, New Zealand: 66-70
Document reference
Berk, A.; Bramm, A.; Böhm, H.; Aulrich, K.; Rühl, G. , 2008. The nutritive value of lupins in sole cropping systems and mixed intercropping with spring cereals for grain production. In: Palta, J. A.; Berger, J. D. (Eds.), Lupins for Health and Wealth, Proc. 12th Int. Lupin Conf., Fremantle, Western Australia, Int. Lupin Assoc., Canterbury, New Zealand: 66-70
Citation key
Berk et al., 2008