Biswamath Sahoo et al., 2014. In: Wachira, M.; Rabar, B.; Magaju, C.; Borah, G. (Eds.) Trees for life: accelerating the impact of agroforestry, 3rd World Congress Agrofor., 10-13 febr. 2014, New-Delhi, India,
Document reference
Biswanath Sahoo; Garg, A. K.; Sharma, A. K.; Mohanta, R. K.; Thirumurgan, P., 2014. Nutritional value and mineral profile of forest foliages in temperate sub Himalayas. In: Wachira, M.; Rabar, B.; Magaju, C.; Borah, G. (Eds.) Trees for life: accelerating the impact of agroforestry, 3rd World Congress Agrofor., 10-13 febr. 2014, New-Delhi, India,
Citation key
Biswamath Sahoo et al., 2014