Santos et al., 1998. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 27(1): 33-39
Colheita da palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill.) Cv. Gigante sobre o desempenho de vacas em lactação
The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of storage time of forage cactus (Opuntia ficus indica Mill) on the milk yield of purebred black and white Holstein dairy cows. Twelve cows were distributed in a change over experimental design with four squares and three periods of 28 days each. The experimental treatments were three storage times: 0, 8 e16 days. Generally, little variation was observed in the percentage of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, ash, and nitrogen-free extract of the forage cactus during the storage times studied. Regression analyses verified the absence of effects of storage times on the intake of forage cactus, corn silage, and concentrate among the animals, as well as on the actual milk yield, 4% fat-corrected milk yield, and on the relationship of dry matter intake and milk yield, and on milk fat percentage. The results indicated that lactating dairy cows could be fed forage cactus stored up to 16 days after harvest without reducing performance.