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Cavalcanti et al., 2008. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 37 (4): 689-693

Document reference 
Cavalcanti, C. V. de A. ; Ferreira, M. de A. ; Carvalho, M. C. ; Veras, A. S. C. ; Silva, F. M. da; Lima, L. E. de, 2008. Spineless cactus plus urea in replacement of tifton 85 hay in Holstein lactating dairy cows diet. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 37 (4): 689-693
Alternative title 

Palma forrageira enriquecida com uréia em substituição ao feno de capim-tifton 85 em rações para vacas da raça Holandesa em lactação


The nutrient intake and milk production and composition of lactating cows fed rations containing 0, 12.5, 25.0, 37.5 and 50.0% spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) and urea as a substitute for Tifton grass (Cynodon spp.) were determined. Five cows were distributed in a 5* Latin square experimental design. It was shown that dry matter and organic matter intakes had a quadratic effect with the addition of cactus and urea. Crude protein intake and milk fat were not affected, while non-fibre carbohydrate and total digestible nutrient intakes, feed conversion efficiency, milk production and 3.5% fat corrected milk production increased and neutral detergent fibre and water intakes decreased with the addition of cactus and urea. In conclusion, cactus and urea addition in the diet increased the energy intake and milk production of cows.

Citation key 
Cavalcanti et al., 2008