Tamaki et al., 2003. Grassland Science, 49 (4): 361-366
Document reference
Tamaki, M. ; Kawamoto, Y. ; Motomura, T. ; Namihira, T. ; Miyagi, T. ; Nakada, T. ; Sonoda, T., 2003. Effects of moisture content and heat treatment of tropical legume phasey bean (Macroptilium lathyroides) silages on degradability and utilization of nitrogen in the rumen and post-ruminal digestive tracts. Grassland Science, 49 (4): 361-366
Alternative title
暖地型牧草ファジービーン(Macroptilium lathyroides)サイレージの水分含量・加熱時期の違いが窒素の第一胃内および下部消化管での分解に及ぼす影響
Citation key
Tamaki et al., 2003