Osteospermum spinescens is a shrub native to the South African semi-arid veld regions, which is grazed by livestock and wild animals.
Osteospermum spinescens is a small shrub 0.10-0.50 m high (Göhl, 1982; Strother, 2019). Under good conditions, it may reach a height of 0.90-1.10 m, but soil conditions and severity of grazing often limit its height to little more than 0.30 m (Botha, 1938). It has woody branches, stems that can turn spiny, lanceolate leaves, 1-2 cm long, yellow to orange flower heads about 1 cm in diameter on long pedicels, and three-winged fruit (Göhl, 1982; Strother, 2019). The twigs are succulent and have been described as soft and juicy when not lignified (Botha, 1938).
Osteospermum spinescens has been described in the 1930-1940s as one of the best pasture plants, both nutritive and palatable, found in its native range (Botha, 1938). It was then subject to overgrazing. More recent surveys only mention its palatability, which is considered to be low to moderate (Anderson et al., 1987; Du Toit, 2000).