Boodoo et al., 1990. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 2 (1): 7-14
An experiment was carried out to evaluate effects of two supplements (a formulated concentrate and cottonseed cake) for cows kept in confinement by smallholders in villages in Mauritius. The basal diet consisted mainly of sugar cane tops (from July to December) and grasses harvested from roadsides and common lands. The supplements were fed for 3 months prior to calving and throughout lactation. The amounts of commercial feed were 2, 3 kg/day for the 7th and 8-9th month of pregancy and 0.5 kg/litre of milk. The quantities of cottonseed cake were half the amount of concentrate.
Lactation yields (litres) for concentrate and cottonseed cake were 3023 and 2871 (wet area) and 2358 and 2649 (dry areas). There were no differences in milk yield due to supplement but yields were higher in cows kept in the wetter areas. Breed effects (local "Creole", Friesian and crosses) were not significant.