Yu et al., 1998. Asian-Aust. J. Anim Sci., 11 (5): 503-509
Whole faba beans (WFB) were dry roasted at different temperatures of 110, 130 and 150째C for 15, 30 and 45 minutes (min) to determine the optimal heating conditions to increase bypass starch as glucose source which may be a limiting nutrient in high producing dairy cattle. Ruminant degradation characteristics of starch (St) of WFB were determined using in sacco method in 6 dairy cows fed 60% hay and 40% concentrate. Measured characteristics of St were soluble (washable) fraction (S), potentially degradation fraction (D) and the rate of degradation (Kd) of the insoluble but degradable St fraction. Based on measurement of these characteristics, percentage bypass starch (%BSt) and bypass starch (BSt) were calculated. Degradability of starch in the rumen was reduced by dry roasting at temperature of 130 and 150째C and increased at 110째C S varied from 50.0% in the raw whole faba beans (RWFB) and 53.7% in 110째C 15 min to 18.2% in 150째C 45 min. D varied from 49.9% in RWFB and 46.3% in 110째C 15 min to 81.8% in 150째C 45 min. Kd varied from 9.8% in RWFB and 11.0% in the 110째C 30 min to 4.2 in 150째C 45 min. All these effects resulted in increasing %BSt from 22.1% in the 110째C 45 min and 23.9% in RWFB to 49.9% in the 150째C 45 min. Therefore BSt increased from 91.4 g/kg and 98.4 g/kg to 199.9 g/kg respectively. Dry roasting at 110째C increased the starch rumen degradation. Treatment at higher temperature (130 and 150째C) decreased rumen degradation of starch and seemed to be linear up to highest values tested. No optimal dry roasting conditions of treatment could be determined at this stage. It may be concluded that dry roasting at temperatures of 130 and 150째C was effective in shifting starch degradation from rumen to intestine to increase bypass starch.