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Wang ShuBai et al., 2013. Chinese J. Anim. Nutr., 25 (6): 1346-1352

Document reference 
Wang ShuBai ; Jia YuHui ; Wang LiHua ; Zhu FengHua ; Lin YingTing, 2013. Enteromorpha prolifera supplemental level: effects on laying performance, egg quality, immune function and microflora in feces of laying hens. Chinese J. Anim. Nutr., 25 (6): 1346-1352
Alternative title 

浒苔添加水平对蛋鸡产蛋性能、蛋品质、 免疫功能及粪便微生物区系的影响

Citation key 
Wang ShuBai et al., 2013